Breaking News:-VNSGU CCC Exam Date 27-06-2016 to 12-08-2016 Result Declared
VNSGU CCC Result of June to August Month 2016 :VNSGU is conducting ccc exam for government employees for his promotion / higher scale .There is a good news for all the candidates who are attend the CCC exam which was organized, VNSGU has released the result of date 27-06-2016 to 12-08-2016 .you can check your result by following Link.
VNSGU CCC Result 2016 –
VNSGU CCC Result of Exam Date 27-06-2016 to 12-08-2016
Organization Name: VNSGU
Exam Name: CCC
Exam Date: 27-06-2016 to 12-08-2016
Result status :available now.
--} Computer Science, VNSGU, Surat CCC Result : Click Here
--} Computer Science, VNSGU, Surat CCC Notificaion :Click Here
--} G. H. BHAKTA, VNSGU, Surat CCC Result : Click Here
--} G. H. BHAKTA, VNSGU, Surat CCC Notification : Click Here
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