
Sharp your General knowledge Questions with answers

01. Which of the following comes under the jurisdiction of both the High Court and the Supreme Court? 
(A) Disputes between the States inter se (B) Protection against the violation of the Constitution
(C) Disputes between Centre and the States (D) Protection of Fundamental Rights (Ans : D)

02. Which one of the following is the infective stage of the Malarial Parasite ? 

(A) trophozoite (B) sporoblast (C) schigozoite (D) sporozoite (Ans : D)

03. The apparent weight of a man in a lift is less than the real weight when– 

(A) the lift is going down with uniform speed (B) the lift is going down with an acceleration
(C) the lift is going up with an acceleration (D) the lift is going up with uniform speed. (Ans : B)

04. Match the following– 
List-I (Crops) 
(a) Rice (b) Maize (c) Rubber (d) Sugarcane
List-II (First in the world) 
1. Brazil 2. Malaysia 3. China 4. USA
a b c d
(A) 3 4 2 1
(B) 4 2 1 3
(C) 2 1 3 4
(D) 1 3 4 2 (Ans : A)

05. Addition of excessive amounts of heat to a lake is referred to as–
(A) Thermal pollution (B) Greenhouse effect (C) Refrigeration effect (D) Heat Bloom (Ans : B)

06. B-Diversity is also known as– 
(A) Between habitat diversity (B) Ecosystem diversity (C) Within habitat diversity (D) Global diversity (Ans : B)

07. Jaspal Rana is the name associated with which of the following games– 

(A) Shooting (B) Archery (C) Weightlifting (D) Boxing (Ans : A)

08. Competition for food, light and space is most severe in– 
(A) Closely related species growing in the same area or niche (B) closely related species growing in different habitats.
(C) Distantly related species growing in the same habitats (D) Distantly related species growing in different habitats (Ans : A)

09. A person can jump higher on the moon's surface than on the earth because– 
(A) the moon is cooler than the earth (B) the acceleration due to gravity in the moon is smaller than on the earth.
(C) the moon has no atmosphere (D) the moon's surface is rough (Ans : B)

10. Which one of these animals is jawless– 

(A) Trygon (B) Sphyrna (C) Myxine (D) Shark (Ans : C)

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