
ATM card users can pay attention, save from 1 rule to thousands of rupees every day

ATM card users can pay attention, save from 1 rule to thousands of rupees every day

Customers have many rights but most people are not aware of it. The user who uses debit credit card only keeps the extra money but they do not know anything for it. Today we are going to tell you a rule that will save you money.

Merchants who use a debit credit card charge 2% of the extra money on the service charges from the customers. In large amounts this is 2% bigger amount. As you shop for 30,000, you have to pay 2% ie 600 rupees to give more to merchants. But you do not have to pay this money, though Merchant takes it from you.

What is the rule?
Whichever merchants offer swipe machines, they have to take this machine from the bank. As the rate of this machine, the bank charges 2% from the merchant. Merchants charge this amount from customers to avoid this charge.

RBI has issued a circular before, clearly it has been said that no merchant can charge this type of charge from the customer. However, if someone charges such a charge, then the complaint may be lodged in consumer protection.

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